
Transport to and from Devi’s Place

  • We recommend that one of our family drivers meets you at the airport and brings you to Devi’s Place.  You will be assured of a good driver who speaks English, doesn’t smoke and has drinking water on board and drives a reliable car with AC.  And as a bonus they won’t get lost! 
  • Our family driver will be waiting for you with your name on a sign in the greeting area outside the new International Terminal building. If you are arriving from within Indonesia, it will be the older building which is now the Domestic Terminal.  Your driver will bring you straight to Devi’s Place, unless you request a stop on the way to pick up some supplies.
  • We can also arrange your transfer from any other part of Bali, to Devi’s Place in Ubud.

Local Transport

  • It is less than 2 km from Devi’s Place to the center of Ubud. You be be offered transport wherever you go in Ubud, either in a car or by motorbike taxi.
  • Just let us know if you want a car or bike taxi from Devi’s Place to Ubud – our staff and Bali family can assist you.  It only costs a few dollars.
  • When you go out, take our business card with you as it has our contact details and a map on it.  This will enable any driver to bring you straight home!
  • If you want to rent your own bike, we have good motor-scooters at approximately USD $7-$15 per day – all ready to go with helmet!  Riding a  scooter around Ubud adds another dimension to your stay here.  If you have ridden before and enjoy being independent, you may find that this is the secret to exploring Ubud.